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Ben Featherstone Writer

I have finished my discombobulated poetry and short story collection - will be out by April 2025

Ben Featherstone Poet
Ben Featherstone Poet

The Never Never


(A poem about giving a broken heart room to breathe)




You are the never never

My friend

Under the wing of any bird

Stronger than the cat attack


Under a delicate distant afternoon

The grey theatre demands silence

As the cold studded sky fights for you

The gasp for breath is futile


Dawns slow promise of warmth

Is another lie to deal with

The scowling clouds rage with torment

You stare at the limitless sky above


As you find yourself amongst

The rough lakes of fog

Basking in the glow of never never

A river of clouds part


To allow yourself healing

Using the sea of empty space

The moonless night

Veiled in Haze


My friend

The Warrior






Getting Shot At
(I had a bullet fly over my shoulder once narrowly missing the back of my head).

A gun shot from the future

Into my quiet empty space

A bolt of evil magic

For a moment I saw into

Another world


I tango'd with death

A prisoner to the wind

I sat in the centre

of the universe


This feeling feels rare

But is more numerous amongst man

Than the sand in the desert

The BANG disturbed the spirits

of the dead.


You can reveal the secrets of life

And enjoy the dangerous view

of the beginning of the end

But first we must take a sip

at the cup of destruction.





Rare Love


A special connection

To make the heart sing

We can eliminate the shackles

Of our past of our doubts

I whisper into my loves ear

How our impatient but playful

Energy is a big enough ship

To sail to the shores of another world.


Like music drifting from the window

We will float toward:

The door of chance

The door of change

For beyond the horizon

No louder than a whisper

Is my world with you

This is the world I love






(A prose abut the pain of losing someone you love, someone going in the opposite direction to you in this too-big world).


The gentle sun disappeared

Behind the hills of sussex

As the faithful moon rose

Her aeroplane followed the sun

Into the distance

I screamed “carry me to the edge of the moon so I can keep watch over her”.


The only solace I had was the

Orange glow from an old streetlight,

It was promise that once the sun rose again for me

Bathing the downs with an apricot light

She would be with the same moon sat above me

On ditchling beacon.


From now on

When I think of her

I’ll blow a thousand kisses at the moon

Knowing in the morning when I wake to the sunrise

Moonbeams will float upon the waves and cover

The foolish sea with the love sent from my lips

So every time she swims in the heart

Of the enormous liquid sapphire

She is bathed in my thousand golden kisses

Sent from the other side of the cruel world.

As I sit fidgeting with a broken twig in the morning, sat by the windmills;;

I wonder if my love, the daughter of the stars

Swam in the unknown waters last night





Love Blossom
(That rose tinted beginning)

I met you

You are my paddle

The oar in the lake

You've got your hands to the heavens

Your heart to the earth


There was something that blinded me

More than the fog

The branch of the cotton bud

By the river we kissed


Gasped a breath and I swallowed

Petals dropped in the spring

You grabbed and shyly held me

Against the river bridge


I see your hand with a glass

The ice glimmered in the light

It fell and it sparkled

And I made a wish...




The Things That Make Me Miss You


It's the littlest things that make my stomach ache

The frilly edges on the side of the heart shaped cushions that you made

The ballerina decoration that hangs off my curtain rail

A mark on my pillow case where your head once lay

dreaming your dreams with me

Sharing our heartbeats.


I thought I had all your things in a box

But every so often I find an earring

A Hair

An old mark on the driveway where you once took your foot off the clutch too fast.


I wonder what you are doing now

I hope you are happy

But I am too scared to look

I hope you miss me too

At least I hope

You don't hate me anymore



On My Mind


You're on my mind

More than you should be,

Those cloaked kisses

Veiled with a veneer with my love

Are the gekkos tail quivering in the moss


You're on my mind

More than you should be,

The gentle reminders that prick my mind

When I begin to miss you

The strange mixers you have with your gin

They speak to me when I'm a ghost floating

Around the super-market


You're on my mind

More than you should be,

A held hand traversed the sea

And for just the sweetest moment

I thought I had the power of Moses



Aphrodites II


Sometimes the view from Aphrodites is finer

Than the godess herself,

Artemis strong and bold;

Even his knees would bow and he would collapse on the floor in your presence as though he would have rather chosen the easy way out and fallen on the sword of Thades.


You my love, captur of my heart

Keeper of my soul,

Radiate a level of love so powerful;

You are blasphemous to the ancient god Aphrodites


You draw attention away from her who once stole the heart of Zeus






You're some shape of beauty

Some kind of beautiful

I'm not sure what, and I don't think I will ever know




Yesterday's Heart


Younger I was half the night ago

As we embraced and did not utter a word

For an hour or so

But if yesterday's heart

Could see tomorrow

Knowing we are now forever apart

It would surely be the last gasp of breath

That powered the sails of the tall ships

That loom above us,


As tomorrow's heart prepares itself for

The stormy seas ahead


Today's heart truly knows it is the only heart that matters.




A Poem for Matthew's Mother


The restless boisterous water

Unforgiving and relentless

The sea can sometimes surge with laughter

The ocean is an impossible epoch

Sometimes the sunlight dances on the surface

Like the way Adrestia tempted her pray:

All of her secrets are beneath the surface

People can get entangled in her beautiful emerald spell


But from now on, with brave resolution

And delicate fortitude

You must remember:


In the heart of the enormous sapphire

Is your sons beautiful spirit

And the waves no matter how powerful

Will always whisper his name

And will look after his soul





Butterfly Girl


As long as there is the Sun and Moon:

The wind will always pick up again,

The tide will always surge and recede...






Ben Featherstone Musician and Writer
Katja reading a poem live

Special thank you for choosing 'Rare Love' to read before the ballet at your event, I'm really humbled - Ben

Ben Featherstone Artist
Ben Featherstone Artist

© 2025 Featherstone Creative

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